
Last Modified:  09/11/06

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Magazine Article

I remember reading something in an automobile magazine while I owned the vehicle.  It might have been AutoWeek since it's the only one I read religiously.  It was a review about the 300m or one of its cousins which were the Intrepid, Concorde, and LHS.  They all share the same platform..  It read something like this:

"Beauty is only skin deep.  Ugly runs all the way to it's chassis"

They Got That Right!


They Suck Worldwide


Here's what Chrysler told a 300m owner living in Germany:

  "My husband and I live in Germany and here on the autobahn there is no speed limit. I was actually told that the tie rod ends went bad because I was driving too fast. I should not drive faster than 65 mph because the car was not build for it."

Can you believe this!  I found this comment on the 300m mail list on Yahoo.


Emails and Posting Your Story

If you have something you'd like to say, there are several ways to do it.

Go to the poll on the home page, click on current results, and enter a comment. 

If you'd like me to post it on this site, go to the "Hall of Shame" and click on the link.

Visit The Dodge, Chrysler Consumer Complaint Forum/Message Board and post something there.


Click below to send an message to me.

  I've got a Daimler-Chrysler Problem I'd like others to know about

or just email me directly:  webmaster@mychryslersucks.com

  Before you email something that goes against the grain of this site, I recommend reading the "Hall of Bigots" first..  You might be wasting your time.  Read the site information carefully!  This is a "club" for people that have problems with Daimler-Chrysler.  We don't want to hear about how good YOUR Daimler-Chrysler product performs or how stupid we are.  Please wait until you have problems with it and visit us again!  We'll try to help you then.


Supportive Email Example

This one is a perfect example of a person that is in total agreement.  It should be noted that this person lived in an entirely different geographical region and had a car two years newer than the one I owned. 

"I bought a 300M in 2002, after battling Chrysler to fix several major issues with a brand spanking new Wrangler. When I tired of trying to get the Jeep repaired properly, fighting with service advisors and incompetent customer service persons, I traded it. Stupidity is the only explanation for buying another Chrysler. My 300M sucks. I rely on it heavily to get to and from work. The window motors have failed, door seals leak, interior noise so loud I cant hear callers on the cell, 3 batteries in 2.5 years, bad wheel bearing at 8000 miles, climate controls are flakey, interior door panels rattle, glove box rattles, center console rattles, 2 brake jobs in less than 60000 miles, sound system is shoddy, rotors have warped and the list goes on. I will never again buy a Chrysler product regardless of anyone's rating and will spend my dying breathe denigrating Chrysler for their piss poor treatment of me during the ordeals. Their customer service is the pits."


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This site was last updated 09/11/06

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